
This year, registration is handled via ISMB. There is an early registration discount until June 5, 2016.

CAMDA registration fees

Early rate
Late rate

€200 / €250 / €250 / €300
€300 / €350 / €350 / €400

€250 / €300 / €350 / €400
€350 / €400 / €450 / €500

€300 / €350 / €400 / €450
€400 / €450 / €500 / €550

(ISCB Memeber / ISCB Member – only CAMDA / Non-Member / Non-Memeber – only CAMDA)

Fees cover handouts and onsite catering including for two days. There will be prizes for the best contributed analysis / presentations. The three prize winners will receive a free one-year subscription to F1000Prime (worth $250) and a free submission to F1000Research (worth $1000). The first prize winner will additionally receive the prestigious CAMDA award.


Both days of the conference are on-site at the ISMB conference venue and schedules have been adjusted to allow easy exchange with colleagues attending other tracks. If you just want to attend CAMDA, no additional registration is needed. If you also want to attend ISMB itself, however, or other specific Special Interest Group (SIG) or Satellite meetings, then an independent registration for each event is required.

Sign up to our low-volume CAMDA 2016 announcements mailing list!


Travel fellowships are available through the ISMB main conference that immediately follows CAMDA. The ISMB fellowships support students/postdocs which attend the ISMB conference as poster or oral-presentation presenters. The abstract submitted to ISMB can be identical to the one submitted to CAMDA.

Travel Fellowship Application Deadline: May 5, 2016
Travel Fellowship Acceptance Notification: June 1, 2016


Atul Butte, MD, PhD
Atul Butte, MD, PhD
Stanford University School of Medicine

Nikolaus Rajewsky, PhD
Nikolaus Rajewsky, PhD
Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine

Terry Speed, PhD
Terry Speed, PhD
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

Sandrine Dupoit, PhD
Sandrine Dudoit, PhD
University of California, Berkeley

John Quackenbush, PhD
John Quackenbush, PhD
Harvard School of Public Health

Eran Segal, PhD
Eran Segal, PhD
Weizmann Institute of Science

John Storey, PhD
John Storey, PhD
Princeton University

Chris Sander, PhD
Chris Sander, PhD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Temple F. Smith, PhD
Temple F. Smith, PhD
Boston University

Curtis Huttenhower, PhD
Curtis Huttenhower, PhD
Harvard School of Public Health

Christopher E. Mason, PhD
Christopher E. Mason, PhD
Weill Cornell Medicine

Extended Abstract Proposals Due20 May 2016
Abstract Deadline for Poster Submission 25 May 2016
Notification of Accepted Contributions30 May 2016
Early Registration Closes7 Jun 2016
CAMDA2016 Conference8–9 Jul 2016
ISMB 2016 Conference10–12 Jul 2016
Full Paper Submission Click to save the dates!25 Sep 2016

Agilent Technologies


Taylor&Francis Online

Systems Biomedicine

Exosome Diagnostics